Inneal-tarraing duslach HEPA aon ìre

  • TS3000 3 Motors Extractor duslach aon ìre le siostam sìoltachaidh 2-ìre

    TS3000 3 Motors Extractor duslach aon ìre le siostam sìoltachaidh 2-ìre

    Tha TS3000 na inneal-tarraing duslach cruadhtan HEPA 3 motair, is e am falamh togail aon ìre as cumhachdaiche sa mhargaidh. The 3pcs commercial Ametek motors provide it's customer with 358cfm airflow.The 3 motors can be controlled separatly when different power is needed. Features with the classic jet pulse filter cleaning system,when the operator feels the suction is poor, just purges the Pre filter 3-5 seconds within blocking the vacuum inlet.No need to open the machine and take out the filters, avoid the second dust cunnart. This dust vacuum clear equipped with the advance 2-stage filtration system.The conical main filter as the first and three H13 filter as the final. Each HEPA filter is individually tested and certified to have a minimum efficiency of 99.99% @ 0.3 microns. which meets the new silica requirements.The continuous drop down folding bag system to guarantee that is absolutely dust-free disposal. A standard vacuum meter is to indicate the filter is blocking. TS3000 is supplied with a complete tool kit, including D63 hose*10m, D50*7.5 meters hose, wand and floor tools.Built for heavy-duty use, BERSI vacuums are known for their robust construction and long-lasting performance. We care about user experience very much, all the machines with user-friendly designs, which might make daily operations more convenient.

  • Tha TS1000 na neach-cruinneachaidh duslach concrait aon-ìre aon motair. Equipped with a conical pre-filter and one H13 HEPA filter.The pre filter or coarse filter are the first line of defense, capturing larger particles and debris. Bidh na sìoltachain adhair àrd-èifeachdais àrd-ìre (HEPA) a’ glacadh co-dhiù 99.97% de ghràineanan cho beag ri 0.3 micron. These filters capture finer dust and particles that pass through the primary filters.The main filter with 1.7m² filter surface, and each of the HEPA filter is independently tested and certified. Tha TS1000 air a mholadh airson bleithichean beaga agus innealan cumhachd làimhe.Comes le hose 38mm * 5m, slat 38mm agus inneal làr. Cuir a-steach baga fillte leantainneach 20m de dh'fhaid airson làimhseachadh agus faighinn cuidhteas gun duslach.

  • 2000W inneal-glanaidh fliuch is tioram BF583A

    2000W inneal-glanaidh fliuch is tioram BF583A

    Tha BF583A na inneal-glanaidh gnìomhachais fliuch is tioram le motair càraid. Uidheamaichte le motaran càraid, tha am BF583A a’ lìbhrigeadh suidse cumhachdach airson gach cuid gnìomhan glanadh fliuch is tioram. Tha seo ga dhèanamh foirfe airson a bhith a’ togail sioda agus a’ glanadh diofar sheòrsaichean sprùilleach, a’ toirt seachad glanadh mionaideach agus èifeachdach. Tha am BF583A a’ nochdadh tanca plastaig PP àrd-inbhe 90L a tha an dà chuid aotrom agus gu math seasmhach. Bidh an tanca comas mòr seo a’ lughdachadh tricead falamhachadh, a’ dèanamh gnìomhan glanaidh nas èifeachdaiche. Tha an togail aige an aghaidh bualadh, an-aghaidh searbhag, an-aghaidh alkaline, agus an-aghaidh creimeadh, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an inneal-glanaidh a’ seasamh ri suidheachaidhean duilich.The Heavy-Duty Casters air a dhealbhadh airson cleachdadh làidir, gu sònraichte air làraich togail.

  • T3 Vacuum aon ìre le atharrachadh àirde

    T3 Vacuum aon ìre le atharrachadh àirde

    T3 is a single phase bag type industrial vacuum cleaner. With 3pcs powerful Ametek motors,each motor can be controlled indepently accordingly to operatorr's needs. Standard imported polyester coated HEPA filter with efficency >99.9%@0.3um, the continously drop down folding bag provides a safe and clean dust disposal. Àirde a ghabhas atharrachadh, a làimhseachadh agus a ghiùlan gu furasta. Equipped with jet pulse filter cleaning system, the operators purge the filter 3-5 times when the filter is blocking,this dust extractor will renew to high suction,no need to take out the filter for cleaning,avoid the second dust polution. Specially applies to the floor grinding and polishing industry.The machine can be connected with the front brush which enable the worker can push it forward. No more fear of being shocked by the static electricity. This D50 front brush with working width 70cm, greatly improves the work efficiency, labor saving indeed. T3 comes with D50*7.5m hose, S sand and floor tools.


  • .Faodar an inneal-glanaidh duslach Hepa seo ath-dhealbhadh cuideachd le inneal inneal gus goireasan luachmhor a chuir air dòigh ann an òrdugh.

  • T5 Singe Ìre a Trì inneal-tarraing dust motair amalaichte le dealaiche

    T5 Singe Ìre a Trì inneal-tarraing dust motair amalaichte le dealaiche

    Tha T5 na inneal-glanaidh aon ìre conrete eadar-fhighte le inneal-sgaraidh ro-làimh. Le motaran cumhachdach Ametek 3pcs, faodar smachd a chumail air gach motair gu neo-eisimeileach a rèir feumalachdan gnìomhaiche. Bidh an dealaiche seiclon aghaidh a’ falmhachadh còrr air 95% de dhuslach mìn mus tig an duslach a-steach don chriathrag, a’ leudachadh ùine obrach a’ chriathrag. Criathrag HEPA còmhdaichte le polyester àbhaisteach air a thoirt a-steach le èifeachd> 99.9% @ 0.3um, tha am baga fillte a tha a ’tuiteam sìos gu cunbhalach a’ toirt seachad duslach sàbhailte agus glan. Uidheamaichte le siostam glanaidh sìoltachan jet pulse, bidh an luchd-obrachaidh a ’glanadh a’ chriathrag 3-5 tursan nuair a tha an sìoltachan a ’dùnadh, bidh an inneal-tarraing duslach seo ag ùrachadh gu suidse àrd, cha bhith feum air a’ chriathrag a thoirt a-mach airson glanadh, seachain an dàrna truailleadh duslach. Gu sònraichte a’ buntainn ris a’ ghnìomhachas bleith làr agus snasadh.