
  • Hose D50 no 2" EVA, dubh
  • P / n S8044, S36 S36 Filter Corporra

  • P/N S8043, S26 Criathrag cianail

  • Criathrag bideanach S13

    Criathrag bideanach S13

    P/N S8042, S13 Criathrag cianail

  • AC21 / AC22 Twin Motors Auto Pulsing Hepa 13 Vacuum Concrete

    AC21 / AC22 Twin Motors Auto Pulsing Hepa 13 Vacuum Concrete

    Tha AC22 / AC21 na motaran càraid Auto pulsing HEPA dust extractor.Is e am modail as mòr-chòrdte airson bleith làr concrait de mheud meadhanach. The 2 commercial grade Ameterk motors provide 258cfm and 100 inch water lift.Operators can controll the motors independently when different power is wanted. It featured with Bersi innovative Auto pulsing technology,which solve the pain of frequently stop to pulse or manually clean the filters ,allows the operator 100% uninterrupted working, labor saving greatly. When fine dust is inhaled into the lungs, it is extremly harm to the body, this vacuum build with high standard 2- stage HEPA filtration system.The first stage equipped with two cylindrical filters rotated self cleaning.When one filter is cleaning, the other is keep vacuuming, you don't have to worry about the clogging any more.The second stage has 2pcs H13 HEPA filter individually tested and certified with EN1822-1 and IEST RP CC001.6 standard.This high-performing unit meets OSHA's dust collector requirements and helps provide a cleaner, healthier work site. Like all Bersi cassettes dust collecctor, AC22/AC21 equipped with continuous drop-down dust collection into a plastic bag or Longopac bagging system so you can enjoy mess-free dustless disposal. It comes along with 7.5m*D50 hose, S wand and floor tools.This ultra-portable dust collector easily moves around congested floor and loads easily into a van or truck when transport.

  • Tha an inneal TS1000 air a leasachadh air inneal-tarraing duslach cruadhtan Bersi TS1000 agus tha feartan iongantach ann. Bidh e a’ spòrs socaid cumhachd 10A aonaichte, buannachd mhòr dha luchd-cleachdaidh. Tha an socaid seo na stòr earbsach airson grinders iomaill agus innealan cumhachd eile. Being able to turn on/off the vacuum cleaner by controlling the power tools adds a new level of convenience.There is no need to fumble to operate two separate devices. Tha seo a’ tabhann sruth-obrach fuaigheil agus intuitive, a’ sàbhaladh ùine is oidhirp. Tha inneal tarraing fèin-ghluasadach 7-diog air a dhealbhadh gus am pìob suidse fhalamhachadh gu tur. Equipped with a powerful single motor and a two-stage filtration system, it guarantees thorough dust capturing. The conical pre-filter catches large to medium-sized dust particles. Meanwhile, the certified HEPA filter collect the tiniest and most harmful dust particles, creating a clean and healthy environment. The unique Jet Pulse filter cleaning system makes maintenance a breeze, keeping the filters clean and in prime condition for an extended period. Complemented by the continuous drop-down bagging system, dust collection and handling become incredibly easy and safe, doing away with the mess and hassle of traditional methods. Whether for professional projects or passionate DIY endeavors, the TS1000-Tool is a must-have.

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